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Tubbing Guide

Tubbing is the term used in the hobby when your axolotl need to be temporarily removed from their tank for several reasons mentioned in the article below.

Tubbing may be necessary while cycling your aquarium, when your tank cycle crashes, if your axolotl becomes injured, or falls ill with an infection / serious fungal issues.

To start you will need a plastic storage tote with lid , 6 quart ( shoe box size ) minimum , water conditioner ( such as Seachem Prime ), a large enough net to hold your axolotl , and freshwater. In case of minor injury or minor illness it is best to also have Almond Catappa Leaves on hand, for more serious cases , Methylene Blue Disease Preventative may be used.

Fill the tub with cool clean water and dose with water conditioner , gently scoop the axolotl out of your tank and place it in the tub. For minor issues you can place a tea leaf in the tub directly, or to release more tannins from the leaf, boil the leaf , let the water cool , and add it to the tub. Let the axolotl soak it the tea bath for 10-15 minutes per day for up to 7 days at a time. In more serious cases skip the tea leaves and you may add a 1 to 2 drops of Methylene blue to the water( it should be a sky blue color), again let them soak in the bath 10-15 minutes per day , up to 7 days. Be careful as the Methylene Blue can stain clothes and hands easily , gloves are recommended. It can also be used with Seachem Kanaplex and/or Seachem Metroplex which both treat bacterial infections. All are available in a convenient First Aid Kit to keep on hand to be prepared in the event that your axolotl shows signs of illness.

It is extremely important that water changes are done at least once daily and that any uneaten food / waste be removed quickly. Remember , your tub is small and ammonia can build up fast.